Gemma Brace
curator and writer

Fire: Flashes to Ashes in British Art, 1776 – 2019
Co-curated exhibition with Professor Christiana Payne and Rachael Nee at the RWA, 2019
Fire traced the representation of this elemental form across the last four centuries of British art, exploring its symbolism and meaning for artists throughout history. The third in a series of element-themed exhibitions at the RWA, it brought together a number of important historic, modern and contemporary artworks featuring work by J.M.W. Turner, Joseph Wright of Derby, William Blake, John Martin, Stanley Spencer, Wilhelmina Barnes-Graham,
Eric Ravilious, Roger Ackling, Jeremy Deller, Cornelia Parker, Tim Shaw, John Latham, Susan Hiller, David Nash, Douglas Gordon, Anthony MacCall, Sarah Pickering, Sophie Clements, Nadege Meriau and Aoife van Linden Tol.
Images: (top) Man on Fire by Tim Shaw and Match by Sarah Pickering (middle) Measure by Measure II by Susan Hiller (bottom) There, After by Sophie Clements. Photos © RWA.