Gemma Brace
curator and writer

Peter Randall-Page and Kate MccGwire
Curated exhibition for RWA, 2015.
Two internationally renowned British artists, Peter Randall-Page RA RWA and Kate MccGwire, were brought together for this striking exhibition, featuring two-and three-dimensional work (both existing and new). It explored each artists' fascination with natural phenomena, patterns and repetition, as they utilise natural and found materials within which to reflect the rhythms of nature. MccGwire’s work hints at something hidden or lying dormant beneath the surface, concealed by luminescent coats of feathers (each one donated or collected and meticulously preserved). In contrast, Randall-Page’s work reveals what lies beneath, drawing on a broad frame of reference from geology, biology and morphology to mathematics, music, pattern and variation. The exhibition was part of an environmentally themed programme for Bristol’s year as European Green Capital.
Images © RWA.